Hogan’s Heroes Comic Books

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Download all 9 copies of Dell’s Hogan’s Heroes Comic Books Here

Comic Cover # 1
Hogan’s Heroes Comic books were a short ran series released in 1966 by Dell Comics, and sold for 12 US cents. The Drawings were created by Dick Giordano, Steve Ditko, Don Perlin ,Jose Delbo, Henry Scarpelli, and inks were composed by Sal Trapani. There were only 9 issues of the Hogan’s Heroes comic Books, (you can download scans here), and the last issue was a reprint of the first, re-printed in 1969. Dell, just jacked the price to 15 Cents! Now these gems are worth alot to collectors!


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Download in .cbr format:

Comic book reader, or .cbr is the most popular format for comic books, but you need a reader such as CDisplay, or any other reader software that reads a .cbr file.

Download in .zip format:

All of these are .jpgs when uncompressed.

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